Matt Duell, PhD

Political Scientist/Data Analyst

I'm a political scientist and programmer with skills in R, Python, Javascript, and SQL. I'm seeking opportunities to lend my skills to progressive organizations or government agencies, and I'm open to freelance work. Check out my resume and portfolio, and reach out via the contact form or my e-mail with any questions.

See my work


Just a nerd with a passion for social justice. I've spent my life in service to others - I'm an Eagle Scout, I was president of my service fraternity (APO), I volunteered in disaster relief with All Hands and Hearts Smart Response, and I co-founded In The Fight North Brooklyn, a local activist organization. Today, I'm bringing my expertise in political science, data science, and programming to organizations and agencies looking to make a difference in America.

I have diverse work experience, including as an R developer and as a political technologist on a congressional campaign. Prior to that, I spent several years as a lecturer and researcher at SUNY Stonybrook. I'm a first generation college graduate with a strong history of blue collar work. I'm well-rounded, dedicated, and flexible.

I currently live in Brooklyn, New York, where I spend my free time playing board games and video games, and developing new skills, both in programming and mathematics.


Most of my projects don't fit neatly into a portfolio, but here are the ones that do:

Dissertation - "Gubernatorial Behavior on Twitter"

For my dissertation, I used a web scraper to create a unique dataset of over 130,000 campaign tweets from gubernatorial candidates. I then coded them for sentiment and content using sentiment analysis and machine learning, and compared Democrats' and Republicans' tone and policy priorities.


A Psypost article about a study on which I consulted: Female Trump supporters exhibit slightly elevated subclinical psychopathy, study finds

SatisFactory Builder

A program I developed for playing the game Satisfactory, by Coffee Stain Studios. It includes a browser for parts and recipes, and tools to assist with calculations and factory planning. Now updated to include FICSMAS content!

The tool is free to download and use - just unzip the folder and enjoy

Interactive and Animated Plots

Here are a couple small projects I completed. The first is a map of city council districts in NYC with information about the number of students in each district that are in unstable, temporary housing as of 2020. Individual schools are available in the layer controls, and additional information on districts and schools is available on click. The second is an animation of my personal weight loss journey in the first half of 2023, until I hit my goal weight. These were developed using the 'leaflet' and 'plotly' packages in R, respectively.

Shiny webapps

I made this webapp to help me and my friends compare our Letterboxd accounts directly. Enter two usernames, and it scrapes Letterboxd for their watched and watchlisted movies, lets you see which ones they have in common and which ones they don't, and lets you compare the two accounts' ratings, all sortable and searchable. Access it through the link below:

Compare Letterboxd Accounts

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